Cool Kid Cody’s Totally Unreal Radical Quest for Godhood (2018)

Join Cool Kid Cody on his quest for Godhood as he squabbles with his classmates over a guitar, summons Crescent High’s flying skate-cat God and skates from flesh-eating Losers in order to prove he’s cool! This is either going to be a really good day, a really bad day, or a dream with no consequences to reality at all.

Also known as CKCTURQFGH or Totally Unreal, this is the first playable game related to the Cool Kid Cody series! It was a college project made to test out the art style, writing, music and gameplay of the final series.

Work on this particular project spanned from April 2018 to September 2018.

Art and writing by Denny, programming by Andy, background prop art by Caleb LaPierre and music by Kenny Roy!
Spoiler warning: I highly recommend playing the official 2022-2024 release before checking out the older concept!

How to Play

⭐The page password is optimusrhyme!
⭐Unzip the files and run the application file named CKCTURQFGH.
⭐The game looks best with “windowed” unchecked and resolution set to 1920 x 1080.
WARNING: This is an old game from 2018, the birth year of 90% Studios, which means it SUCKS. Play at your own discretion and use the walkthrough linked above!!

The CKCTURQFGH start menu!

Cody’s accidental thumbs-up-&-wink combo.

Holden’s not havin’ any.

Juvie gives really good advice.

There’s GAMING to be had, Cody!!!

Hewwo! OwO

The Greatboard schools Cody.


The Losers are appeased by Cody’s cool.

A little too appeased.

Finally, some cool fucking company!!

Pizza Boy’s in for a real disappointment.

Cody’s not having a good time.

Cute lil’ inventory system!

Cute lil’ settings system!